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Maurice Agulhon
Marianne into Battle
Republican Imagery and Symbolism in France, 1789-1880

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Sergio Miceli
Les intellectuels et le pouvoir au Brésil, 1920-1945

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Peter Kriedte, Hans Medick, Jürgen Schlumbohm
Industrialization before Industrialization
Rural Industry in the Genesis of Capitalism

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Caglar Keyder
The Definition of a Peripheral Economy
Turkey, 1923-1929

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Cahiers du CIREN (Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherches sur l'Europe du Nord)
N°1. 1er Colloque, 13-15 oct. 1978

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Claude Guillot
L'Affaire Sadrach
Un essai de christianisation à Java au XIXe siècle
Études insulindiennes - Archipel n° 4.4

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Auteurs divers, Robert Fox, George Weisz
The Organization of Science and Technology in France, 1808-1914

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Robert Fox, George Weisz
The Organization of Science and Technology in France, 1808-1914

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Robert Fox, George Weisz
The Organization of Science and Technology in France, 1808-1914

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Pierre Bourdieu
Algeria 1960
The Disenchantment of the World, the Sense of Honour. The Kabyle House or the World Reversed

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