Archipel, n° 85/2013

Archipel, n° 85/2013

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Écho de la recherche
Daniel Perret, « International Conference "Seals as Symbol of Power and Authority in Southeast Asia" (Kuala Lumpur, 6-7 novembre 2012) »

Dossier : Monde insulindien et péninsule indochinoise

Daniel Perret & Danny Wong Tze Ken, "Monde insulindien et péninsule indochinoise : un panorama de contacts millénaires" ;

Arlo Griffiths, "The Problem of the Ancient Name Java and the Role of Satyavarman in Southeast Asian International Relations Around the Turn of the Ninth Century CE";

Geoff Wade, "Maritime Routes Between Indochina and Nusantara to the 18th Century";

Marie-France Dupoizat, "Vietnamese Ceramics in the Malay World”;

Nicolas Weber, « Les Cam et les Malais du Cambodge et de Cochinchine vus par les
archives coloniales (1859-1954)”;

Claudine Salmon,”The Hạ châu or Southern Countries as Observed by Vietnamese
Emissaries (1830-1844)”;

Danny Wong Tze Ken,”The Cham Arrivals in Malaysia: Distant Memories and Rekindled Links”;

Siti Nor Awang, "Daripada Pelarian Kepada Usahawan: Pengalaman Masyarakat Cam di Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia”;

Daniel Perret & Danny Wong Tze Ken, ”Monde insulindien et péninsule indochinoise : essai bibliographique » ;

Ludvik Kalus & Claude Guillot, « La principauté de Daya, mi-XVe-mi-XVIe siècle [Épigraphie islamique d'Aceh 6]”;

Hans Hägerdal, “Cycles of Queenship on Timor: A Response to Douglas Kammen”;

Comptes rendus

Hans Hägerdal (ed.): Tradition, Identity, and History-Making in Eastern Indonesia
(Douglas Kammen);

Eka Srimulyani : Women from Traditional Islamic Educational Institutions in Indonesia: Negotiating Public Spaces
(Andrée Feillard);

Robert Blust & Jürg Schneider (eds.): A World of Words. Revisiting the Work of Renward Brandstetter (1860-1942) on Lucerne and Austronesia
(Marlies Salazar);

Marlies Salazar: Perspectives on Philippine Languages/Five Centuries of European Scholarship
(Jean-Paul Potet).


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