Traditional Romanian Village Communities. The Transition from the Communal to the Capitalist Mode of Production in the Danube Region

Traditional Romanian Village Communities. The Transition from the Communal to the Capitalist Mode of Production in the Danube Region

Henri H. Stahl

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Henri H. Stahl, Massimo Tramonte
Traditional Romanian Village Communities. The Transition from the Communal to the Capitalist Mode of Production in the Danube Region

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Henri H. Stahl
Traditional Romanian Village Communities. The Transition from the Communal to the Capitalist Mode of Production in the Danube Region

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Henri H. Stahl
Traditional Romanian Village Communities. The Transition from the Communal to the Capitalist Mode of Production in the Danube Region


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Divinatio, n° 6-7/printemps-été 1998
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